Friday, June 17, 2016

Tea with Daaaarlinggg: Let's Keep It Real

Tea with Daaaarlinggg: Let's Keep It Real: Let's Keep It Real!....what do you mean? well, it may not be a view from a very expensive vacation spot, it may not be an expensive t...

A Great Day in spite of Clouds

When you get up and look out the window and all you see is a gray sky, rain in the horizon...what do you do? Do you praise God for the rain coming? Or do you complain about it? Well, why not just be thankful for another day and make it the best you know how. After all no amount of complain is going to change the forecast. But we can change the way we go about our day. Let's start by making it bright with our smile! A good attitude can change every thing about you and around you.  We are so used to complain all the time, we don't take the time to think what we can do to make our day better. 

Slugs Need Moisture...

Our little friends the slugs, they love when the clouds are rolling in, and the rain is on it's way! Yes, they need the moisture that comes with it, but have you ever seen a slug complain when its too hot? nope, you haven't because they make the best of their time going deep into the dirt where they can find the moisture they need...why not learn from out little friends and go into God's word and spend some time with our Heavenly Father, and ask him to give us a heart of thankfulness in spite our circumstances.  It is when we stop looking inward and we look around us that we can see so many of our friends hurting. Let's pray for them and be available to lend a helping hand when the time rises. Let's practice what Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-40 "For I was hungry and you game me something to eat, I was thirsty and you game me something to drink, I was stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you cam to visit me."(NIV)

So....Next time you get up and all you can see is a cloudy sky...

Make yourself a cup of tea and have a great day in spite of clouds!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Let's Keep It Real

Let's Keep It Real!....what do you mean? well, it may not be a view from a very expensive vacation spot, it may not be an expensive tea cup. But let's face it...Every day life its not what we always dreamed it to be.  Our lives may not be as glamorous as others, we might not drive expensive cars and have all the "toys" we would like to, but if you can enjoy a cup of tea in your favorite broken, out of season cup, then you can enjoy every day life! Yes you had an argument with your spouse, your son/daughter might not be listening to you, your bills are piling up on the kitchen counter...BUT you are still breathing! God is with you no matter what! Let's learn to have a thankful attitude like King David when he feigned madness before Abimelech, who drove him away and he departed. "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1.
A thankful heart will find praise in all circumstances in your life. It's what we do and how we re act in those moments that will decide your day. Choose to have a thankful heart today and enjoy a cup of tea! 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

How to Make Tea Time Fun wth Unusual Tea Pots

Tea pot with birds

You can always use pretty tea pots to enjoy a cup of tea with a special friend!
Or just when you are having a hard day! You don't need to wait...just look at your tea pots, choose one that will uplift your spirit! Make a pot of your favorite tea, seat by the deck looking into God's beautiful you sip your tea, think of all the things in your life that have been a blessing. You will be able to see beauty! Just close your eyes, and take a deep do it again. Something as small as taking a deep breath, can help you body relax; and as you do that, start thanking God for things we take for granted every day. Something as small and insignificant as a deep breath, a bird's song in the morning, the deer eating the grass, the squirrels looking for the nut they have buried in the fall, the warm of the sunshine rising in the horizon...! We can see beauty in all of these examples, yet we seem to only focus on our problems.  I know I have...but today I choose to enjoy a cup of tea as I look at God' creation for my enjoyment! Let's see what tomorrow will bring!